Sunday, June 29, 2008


For the previous 3 years 'today' would be my first full day in Tallahassee. Yesterday I was particularly struck by the knowledge that it should be the day I am moving 'north for the summer'. Going to grad school was an amazing experience. It is also something that really rooted me. I came back feeling recharged and refueled. Now I feel like I am just sitting here, stranded. I miss my friends in the 'new class' from last year. While most of them and I have stayed in touch, it isn't the same as getting to see them regularly. I miss my friends from the year before me, too. While we e-mail and call, it, too, isn't the same.

I've been doing stuff around the house; however, I feel trapped. I feel aimless, bored, without direction. While there things I could be doing to get ready for school next year, I just don't want to. Next school year taunts me. Teaching 7 classes next year, with at least 3 of those being English, plus producing at least 3 shows is going to be so difficult! I worry about the morale at the school as well.

I am hopeful about Tom getting the new job. It won't be easy for him, at first; however, there is so much potential. He will be challenged and have opportunities to grow. He will be in a place where he can make a difference, make more money, feel utilized, and (biggest of all) be off shift work. He is excited and I am excited for him.

It will be another 1.5 years before I, Lord willing, will be able to make a change in job. I keep praying that position will open for me. Maybe next summer God will open the door for us to move houses. I am also praying that next summer God will allow me to go to England. This doesn't change this summer, though. I would love to go somewhere, maybe Dallas to see Anji! I don't know, though. What I do know is I can't keep sitting around here. Citrus County is draining me dry.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Someone from high school

So I was doing some random "googling" today and found this. I went to high school with Kym, this girl in this! I remember talking about Star Wars back then. Way to go, Kym!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

thoughts from a movie...

Thirty-seven seconds well used is a lifetime.

Your life is an occasion, rise to it.

both from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Patrick Stewart on "The Scottish Play"

This is an amazing article by the NY Times on Patrick Stewart's performance of the title character in "The Scottish Play". It's no secret that he is one of my favorite actors. All I can say is...take a look.

I'm sad he didn't win the Tony for the performance; however, just that he got nominated says so much. Plus, he was one of the first out of his seat to shake the had of the guy that did win. It just shows what a gentleman he is. I just wish I was able to see the production. I know someone who did, she said it was magnificent!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Responsible to Praise

Yes, my devotions have struck again. As I sit here pondering, there are a lot of things I could say to respond to Ms. Eliot's words. However, I don't think I shall. Instead, I am going to spend some time praying and mulling over this lesson.
We cannot always or even often control events, but we can control how we respond to them. When things happen which dismay or appall, we ought to look to God for his meaning, remembering that He is not taken by surprise nor can his purposes be thwarted in the end. What God looks for is those who will worship Him. Our look of inquiring trust glorifies Him.
One of the witnesses to the crucifixion was a military officer to whom the scene was surely not a novelty. He had seen plenty of criminals nailed up. But the response of this Man who hung there was of such an utterly different nature than that of the others that the centurion knew at once that He was innocent. His own response then, rather than one of despair that such a terrible injustice should take place, or of anger at God who might have prevented it, was praise (Lk 23:47 NEB).
This is our first responsibility: to glorify God. In the face of life's worst reversals and tragedies, the response of a faithful Christian is praise--not for the wrong itself certainly, but for who God is and for the ultimate assurance that there is a pattern being worked out for those who love Him.

Monday, June 09, 2008!

As of 3:15 today I am done with the 2007-2008 school year!!! I'm turning cartwheels, trust me. There is work to do this summer to make next year run smoothly; however, the work can be done from HOME! I don't have to go to that school unless I CHOOSE to!!!!

Now, if I could just make some summer plans. I know I'm going to miss being at FSU with the other MasterS_of_FSU and going up for a weekend or 2 isn't going to be the same. **sigh** I wish I was working on a PhD. Maybe God will open that door and the door to new jobs for Tom and for me.

Tom might find out within the next 2 weeks if he got the job back at Unit 3. (Please Lord???)

To celebrate the summer, I'm going to see The Cure Wednesday night. The only bad thing is I'm having to go alone. Tom is working and there really isn't anyone else to go with. Oh well, the experience will be amazing! I can't wait! I just have to think up something AMAZING to wear.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


More than tired, I'm exhausted, weary and just...done. Four more days and this school year is done. The English class is pushing my last nerve. There is paperwork that needs to be done and every time I try to work on it, something happens, ugh. There are 300 carnations and 275 roses in my class right now that need to be made ready for graduation tomorrow night (please, Lord, let all of them sell!).

Lord, please give me the strength to get all of the work tomorrow and the rest of the year. I know I can't do it without you. And, please, let me recover from all of this quickly and without problem.