Sunday, June 29, 2008


For the previous 3 years 'today' would be my first full day in Tallahassee. Yesterday I was particularly struck by the knowledge that it should be the day I am moving 'north for the summer'. Going to grad school was an amazing experience. It is also something that really rooted me. I came back feeling recharged and refueled. Now I feel like I am just sitting here, stranded. I miss my friends in the 'new class' from last year. While most of them and I have stayed in touch, it isn't the same as getting to see them regularly. I miss my friends from the year before me, too. While we e-mail and call, it, too, isn't the same.

I've been doing stuff around the house; however, I feel trapped. I feel aimless, bored, without direction. While there things I could be doing to get ready for school next year, I just don't want to. Next school year taunts me. Teaching 7 classes next year, with at least 3 of those being English, plus producing at least 3 shows is going to be so difficult! I worry about the morale at the school as well.

I am hopeful about Tom getting the new job. It won't be easy for him, at first; however, there is so much potential. He will be challenged and have opportunities to grow. He will be in a place where he can make a difference, make more money, feel utilized, and (biggest of all) be off shift work. He is excited and I am excited for him.

It will be another 1.5 years before I, Lord willing, will be able to make a change in job. I keep praying that position will open for me. Maybe next summer God will open the door for us to move houses. I am also praying that next summer God will allow me to go to England. This doesn't change this summer, though. I would love to go somewhere, maybe Dallas to see Anji! I don't know, though. What I do know is I can't keep sitting around here. Citrus County is draining me dry.

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