Monday, September 15, 2008

The Blessing...

On the way to work this morning I prayed like I do every morning. This morning though, I added something different, I prayed for a blessing. The day was long, as they all seem to be these days. The "Tater Tots" were their usual selves but it was just a hot, humid Monday. I got home around 5:15 pm and was faced by a night of paperwork.

Then, the phone rang. I almost didn't answer it. It was my 'I don't know you' ring tone. Assuming it was a 'call out' about some meaningless bit of information from the school, I answered it just to get it over with. The phone call brought the blessing...

My brother called me from Scotland. I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!

Amelia Joy was born on Saturday. She was 6 lbs 1 oz (like her aunt), 19 inches long, with blonde 'peach fuzz' (like my mom had when she was very young), blue eyes (like John, me and our mom) and long fingers (like her Daddy). She ended up having to be born C-section; however, all went very well. (Thank you Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh)

Mother and daughter are doing wonderful and should be discharged by Wednesday. Father is thrilled and can't wait to send photos.

It certainly is a BIG year for him! In a short amount of time he has become a father, is finishing his dissertation, and is turning 30 on the 29th. Plus, at the end of November they are moving back to the states and he hopes to be installed in his first church in January.

I have decided to celebrate by not doing paperwork tonight. I'll just try to get it done tomorrow. Tonight I shall plan all the ways this wee bairn will be spoiled, the adventures we will have, the clothes she will 'have' to have, the blessing she will be.