Monday, June 10, 2013

Thoughts and ponderings

Really do need to write more often. Life has become a crazy turmoil of thoughts and occurrences. The plant is what it is. Tom has a contract for 18-24 months. I know it is what he wanted. After that...who knows? I have a job, although it is fraught with problems. Another new principal, this brings the total for the school to 5 in 15 years. Two new assistant principals, I'm not even going to start thinking about how many that makes for the last 15 years. Life total of principals is now 12 and assistant principals has to be up to 25-30 now. More teachers coming and going at the school. More change and adjustments to the school. I know Tom has thought about getting a job back at 4&5. I don't feel that great about that choice. It would give him what he thinks he wants. He's also thinking it would allow him to retire in 10 or so years. He has said he would probably always work at something but with this county seemingly dying, what would he do? If we stayed, it would probably mean my having to stay at the school for at least 20-25 more years. I can't picture doing what I'm doing right now for that long. Job prospects in this area, especially in my field, are slim to non-existant. The project I've been quietly working on for the last 3-5 years doesn't seem to be making headway. There seems to constantly be things coming up to stand in the way. The area we were looking at is being hit by the recession and it seems to have finally settled in there. I have faith, but I'm also being realistic. Feeling like if we stay it will also mean staying in this house. It's an ok house. It isn't something Tom and I picked together, though. I would like something that fit our needs a bit better. It would also be a good thing to get away from the neighbors. Issues there continue. It seems they don't want us to leave the house. Just recently we learned they don't think we should walk our dog on the street. The harassment continues. Most recently we had to call the police...again. We learned they had lied about us...again. The sheriff sided with them! It seems they can do what they like and we are forced to tolerate it as best we can. Trying to sort through some odds and ends. Weird things keep popping up. Tired of feeling so tired all of the time. Tired of not being able to get the best sleep, either. Leaving for Phoenix in just over a week. Maybe a change of scenery is what I need to see things clearly.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Really need to post here more...

It's been over a year since I last posted here. Really need to get back into the habit of writing here. There is quite a bit going on and I 'need' a place to think things out.