Monday, August 31, 2009

Writing again...We'll see where this goes.

About a year ago I was asked how Tom and I met. Instead of telling the 'normal' "how we met" I made it a bit of a fairie story. I thought I would move it here so I could work on it some and polish it some.

~The Story of G_G and her WH~
In 1996 a young teacher, G_G, thought things were finally looking up for her. She was married to a man she thought was a prince and, although they had been going through some difficult times over the previous year, things were starting to improve. G_G had just gotten hired at a amazing school (Woodham High School) as an English and Drama teacher and her prince was working for a doctor as an opthamology assistant.

Since 1987 G_G had struggled with a dark cloud that seemed to fall upon her once she left her wonderful wonderland of El Cajon, California. She had been happy in that land and was saddened that she was not able to get back there. Sometimes it felt like her days there had simply been a beautiful dream.

The prince was from the wonderland of California, too. He was from a different kingdom, though (Simi Valley). They often talked of returning to that wonderland and setting up their own castle.

One day, in the summer of 1996 G_G's dream exploded and the darkness fell like a blanket upon her again. While at work at her parent's shoppe and training studio she had tried to contact the prince to see if he wanted to do something after work; however, she was not able to reach him. Concerned, she left work early and rushed home.

Opening the door, she was greated by an eerie calm. Something was very wrong. Things were missing and a little askew. On a table was a note with the prince's wedding ring. The note said the prince was leaving, that he didn't love G_G and several other awful things. G_G was stunned. Her world crumbled. She had trusted the prince and now she was learning he was truly a vilian. He had taken mostly his things but the small castle felt cold and empty.

G_G fled to the safety of her parents castle. The king and queen were kindly people who allowed G_G to curl up in the safety of their four walls. They fed her simple meals for the next several days and prodded her to do things to protect herself and her small, cold castle. G_G's knightly brother longed to joust with the villian.

The villian tried to take her money and began to spread lies. G_G learned the villian had been wooing several maidens in the kingdom. He lied to them like he lied to G_G. He compromised the honor of one in particular and, in true villian fashion, fled partly because the maiden was going to tell G_G the truth.

G_G was sent to the king's twin sister's kingdom for a week of recouperation. The Auntie Queen had always been a favorite of G_G's and that kingdom had been a wonderful oasis of calm in G_G's life. Other kingdoms changed; however, Auntie Queen reamined steadfast. The week was a balm to G_G's soul and G_G began to believe she would actually be happy again one day.

Returning to her cold little castle, G_G began to meet with a kindly counselor. This kindly fellow prayed with her and began to help her recover. He helped her to push away the darkness. He let her cry and told her she wasn't to blame for so much of the past. Light began to peek though. The kindly counselor also advised G_G to go see her dear physician and get medication to help her carry her load.

G_G began to develop a new life. She went to the amazing land of Woodham High School each day and toiled to help students (a hard job since she was barely able to care for herself at times). She worked teaching self defence and karate to knights, squires, maidens, and others. She spent time with her King father, Queen mother and Knight brother and frequently feasted at their castle. She tried to warm her little castle, that she shared with a tiny angel-kitty. She went to church regularly and spent time with her Heavenly King Father. She DID NOT encourage any knight, prince or king to court her.

The villian had disappeared. He did not release her from her vows, though. G_G felt very firmly that she was still bound to the villian, even if he did not feel the same about her. Until G_G heard she had been released, she would be faithful. During this time, G_G rededicated herself to her Heavenly King and vowed she would not seek the attention of any prince, king or knight. If the villian released her, she would remain single as long her Heaven King chose. She promised to work with students or whatever she was directed to do.

Thanksgiving was a special time that year. The King father invited his King brother and Queen sister-in-law to spend time with the family. G_G loved them dearly. Uncle King was a minister and they prayed during this time. Aunt Queen prayed with her and encouraged her, too. G_G shared her desire for "closure" during the holidays. She wished the villian to release her but remained convinced she was not to seek the release.

G_G had some wonderful friends. Several of them she had known since her days in the wonderland of El Cajon. One of them, Prince D, had been a rock of stability. Prince D was worried about G_G getting though the first holidays. He insisted they go, as friends, to the magical land of Disney World. They spend 4 days in that magic kingdom after Christmas. Prince D respected G_G's vow to the villian and protected her honor. She felt safe to relax, even though this magic world was where the villian had taken her after they married.

Prince D was a lord of computers. G_G longed to have one of these amazing creations. She and Prince D talked for many hours of how G_G could use such an item. The villian had foolishly squandered most of G_G's fortune. She had been reduced to her small castle (that was growing warmer) and little else.

Prince D helped G_G find a way to acquire a magical apple. After taking G_G's private carriage to the magic kingdom, they found a shoppe on the journey home that had the magic apple G_G had prayed for. Prince D helped her purchase her first computer on New Year's Eve 1996. He aided her in putting together her system in time for a new year, she watched the new year arrive on her magic apple.

Alas, Prince D had to return to University. G_G missed him very much. Many years prior G_G had thought Prince D was her "true love' and Prince D thought the same of G_G; alas, Heavenly King determined this was not to pass. Prince D and G_G were saddened by this; however, were glad they were able to remain 'together forever' as the closest of confidents. Prince D was as special to G_G as any family member. Prince D and G_G shared a love that was strong, true and pure.

Prince D told G_G she would love again. The villian would grow weary of his hold on her. He would release her. Prince D even offered to fight the villian, if needed. G_G hugged her dear Prince D and thanked him. Prince D then climbed aboard a flying carriage and was winged away. G_G felt alone, again. (Two months later, she took a flying carriage to see Prince D. She was inspecting his temporary kingdom as a possible place for her to attend University. They enjoyed their time together although the door to this kingdom was closed. They talked again of G_G's life once she was released from the villian. Prince D reminded G_G she had much to offer and would always be a special person in his life.)

G_G threw herself back into her work, family, training, church and now added computers. She loved the world that was being opened to her. She began to make friends in foreign lands. Even in this, she needed the help of her physician.

The darkness was still flirting on the edges; however, G_G was crawling out from under its heavy load. One day (shortly after she returned from visiting Prince D at university) she received, at her school, a decree from the courts of the land. The villian was finally releasing her. She could not believe it. Even now, though, the villian was doing his dearest to best her. He forced her to appear before the courts of the land, he had fled and could not be bothered to return. The stress opened G_G to illness and in one day she appeared before the courts (with her Queen mother at her side) and then reported to her physician who diagnosed her with walking pnumonia.

G_G, though, was released, at last. She was happy to have the closure as she prayed for. Heavenly King was healing and comforting her. She was not lonely. She began to plan for the future.

During this time G_G enjoyed her magical apple. One day she found a message on a message board. It was from another kingdom in South Florida. The wee students were learning about magical apples and the wonderous lands they could reach. Being a teacher, G_G posted a note to these wee ones about the Kingdom of Pensacola. She wished them the best as they began their journey of education. G_G went on and didn't think of this post again.

In another kingdom, Crystal River, a Knight named W was recovering, too. He had been married to a shrewish woman who wanted someone to take care of her. Knight W worked very hard at his job and tended to his "herd" of "mustangs" in his spare time. Knight W also enjoyed tests of strength. His shrewish wife, after 7 years, decided she did not care for Knight W anymore and she went home to her parents. Her parents felt sorry for Knight W; however, still had their lawyers take much of Knight W's kingdom to give to their shrewish child. They apologized by saying "blood is thicker than water".

Knight W began to recover. He spent time with friends. He tended his herd. He exercised. He claimed no interest in owning an magic apple as the ones he used at work he found bothersome. One day he was to show one of his herd with a friend. Rain forced them to alter their plans. His friend, Squire Russel, suggested they go to a shoppe that allowed people to use their magic apples for a small fee. They spent several hours in this shoppe. Knight W felt he may need a magic apple, after all.

Knight W was able to purchase a magic apple through his job. He brought it to his humble cottage and began to explore. One day he found a message board from the kingdom of South Florida. A class of wee ones were learning of the wonderous lands their magic apples could reach. Knight W was seized with the urge to write these wee ones. He thought they might like to hear about the land in which he lived.

In his inexperience Knight W clicked on a message and thought he responded to the thread, instead he responded to the message he selected. The message belonged to G_G.

...curious to know more???

From facebook...

On this day of your life, Cathy, we believe God wants you to know...
... that it's time you remembered who you really are.

You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God.

Monday, August 24, 2009

from facebook...

On this day of your life, Cathy, we believe God wants you to know...
... that it's time you stopped hiding from life, and said yes to the adventure of being alive.

Enough of the routine already. Go on, have an adventure, - do what you always wanted deep within your heart. Do what brings you alive, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

from facebook...

On this day of your life, Cathy, we believe God wants you to know...
... that work begins when you don't like what you are doing.

Little children can do the most amazing things with such joy and fun. You were little once too, and knew how to turn everything into a game. So, turn your work into a game, and you will find joy and satisfaction in it. What are some ways you can start being playful with work?



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From facebook...'ve been talking to God too much, and not listening enough.

Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you become quiet and listen to God. You've learned how to talk and ask well. Time to learn how to listen and hear, because God has been answering you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Something to think about...

If God can fling out a galaxy so that it stays where He wants it and yet observes one exhausted person and strengthens him, can we believe that we are adrift in a fathomless void? Hear the promise of Jesus: "No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm--I will come to you" (Jn 14:18 LB).

Monday, August 03, 2009

for today..

"Guide me, O Lord, that I may be true to thee and follow thy path." Psalm 86:11

Pray. Listen. Seek his counsel.

Try this--sit before Him for fifteen consecutive minutes in silence and meditate on his word.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

from today's devotions

Sufficient for Each Day
1 Kings 17:8-16
Because Elijah was a man like us, he undoubtedly wondered what God had in store for him when he saw the brook beginning to dry up. Since he was trusting in God, however, he believed and help arrived.
God did not send a sudden squall of rain for that immediate neighborhood, nor did he provide some supernatural source of water in that place. Instead, Elijah was to arise, go to Zarephath and dwell there. Only at Zarephath would a widow provide food for him.
Few of us have faced the extremity this widow experienced. It seemed as though each day she might face starvation; yet each day by faith she trusted God to meet her need.
The result was that she and her house "did eat many days" (1 Kings 17:15). God supplied not a year at a time but a day at a time.
This is what we need with regard to God's grace. We do not need a great stockpile of it for future use but a daily appropriation of it, which God supplies freely.
The manna was gathered daily, not in the evening but in the morning, and each one gathered for himself. So must we accept grace from God.
We cannot hoard today's grace for tomorrow or call on yesterday's grace for today. We cannot gather enough on a Sunday to last a whole week. We need to have daily contact with God, particularly in the morning.
"Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt. 6:11).

With all the things going on, I needed to be reminded of this. God is going to take care of everything today. He's already worked out the future but needs me to trust Him for today. He will give me the all of the tools to get through today. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof"...