Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sometimes the past still hurts..

Some things are going on right now that have uncovered pain from the past. I really thought I had 'gotten over' this hurt but today I held something from that time that embodied this low time in my live and the pain came flooding back. I took out my yearbook from my Senior year in high school...the one Don tried to rip apart and all I wanted to do was cry. How evil he was...he did to that book what he wanted to do to cold. I can hardly hold the book. It is something that was such a treasure for me. I loved high school and my Senior year was so hard in many ways but that book really was a treasure and was a memory of the good and the bad. Now I can hardly show it to anyone it is so damaged.
I could try to move from this to a theological allegory of how we can be like that I am like that book in so many God can mend our God heals our hurts...etc. Right now, though, I think I'll just post this as it is.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Something I need to remember...

Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help.
-Thomas Fuller