Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
For today
(an excerpt from my devotions this morning...)
I am thanking God that unto us a Child was born. I am thanking Him also that there was a pure-hearted woman prepared to receive that Child with all that motherhood would mean of daily trust, daily dependence, daily obedience. I thank Him for her silence. That spirit is not in me at all, not naturally. I want to learn what she had learned so early: the deep guarding in her heart of each event, mulling over its meaning from God, waiting in silence for His word to her.
I want to learn, too, that it is not an extraordinary spirituality that makes one refuse to do ordinary work, but a wish to prove that one is not ordinary--which is a dead giveaway of spiritual conceit. I want to respond in unhesitating obedience as she did: Anything You say, Lord.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
I am thanking God that unto us a Child was born. I am thanking Him also that there was a pure-hearted woman prepared to receive that Child with all that motherhood would mean of daily trust, daily dependence, daily obedience. I thank Him for her silence. That spirit is not in me at all, not naturally. I want to learn what she had learned so early: the deep guarding in her heart of each event, mulling over its meaning from God, waiting in silence for His word to her.
I want to learn, too, that it is not an extraordinary spirituality that makes one refuse to do ordinary work, but a wish to prove that one is not ordinary--which is a dead giveaway of spiritual conceit. I want to respond in unhesitating obedience as she did: Anything You say, Lord.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Perspective from a different translation
No temptation has come your way that is too hard for flesh and blood to bear. But God can be trusted not to allow you to suffer any temptation beyond your powers of endurance. He will see to it that every temptation has a way out, so that it will never be impossible for you to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, PHILLIPS).
Friday, November 28, 2008
A commentary on my job...
The school keeps getting more and more difficult. Budgets keep getting sliced thinner and thinner. I know I am blessed to have a job right now. The school environment just gets worse and worse, though. I wonder how much lower it can get but I don't think I want to experience it if it does.
I saw these two cartoons in the paper. They seem to sum things up quite well.

I saw these two cartoons in the paper. They seem to sum things up quite well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Mac 'n Cheese Pancakes
Video here for this unusual creation. I have to admit, I'm intrigued. They would be worth trying.
Would these be served for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack?
Would these be served for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack?
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Blessing...
On the way to work this morning I prayed like I do every morning. This morning though, I added something different, I prayed for a blessing. The day was long, as they all seem to be these days. The "Tater Tots" were their usual selves but it was just a hot, humid Monday. I got home around 5:15 pm and was faced by a night of paperwork.
Then, the phone rang. I almost didn't answer it. It was my 'I don't know you' ring tone. Assuming it was a 'call out' about some meaningless bit of information from the school, I answered it just to get it over with. The phone call brought the blessing...
My brother called me from Scotland. I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!
Amelia Joy was born on Saturday. She was 6 lbs 1 oz (like her aunt), 19 inches long, with blonde 'peach fuzz' (like my mom had when she was very young), blue eyes (like John, me and our mom) and long fingers (like her Daddy). She ended up having to be born C-section; however, all went very well. (Thank you Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh)
Mother and daughter are doing wonderful and should be discharged by Wednesday. Father is thrilled and can't wait to send photos.
It certainly is a BIG year for him! In a short amount of time he has become a father, is finishing his dissertation, and is turning 30 on the 29th. Plus, at the end of November they are moving back to the states and he hopes to be installed in his first church in January.
I have decided to celebrate by not doing paperwork tonight. I'll just try to get it done tomorrow. Tonight I shall plan all the ways this wee bairn will be spoiled, the adventures we will have, the clothes she will 'have' to have, the blessing she will be.
Then, the phone rang. I almost didn't answer it. It was my 'I don't know you' ring tone. Assuming it was a 'call out' about some meaningless bit of information from the school, I answered it just to get it over with. The phone call brought the blessing...
My brother called me from Scotland. I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!
Amelia Joy was born on Saturday. She was 6 lbs 1 oz (like her aunt), 19 inches long, with blonde 'peach fuzz' (like my mom had when she was very young), blue eyes (like John, me and our mom) and long fingers (like her Daddy). She ended up having to be born C-section; however, all went very well. (Thank you Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh)
Mother and daughter are doing wonderful and should be discharged by Wednesday. Father is thrilled and can't wait to send photos.
It certainly is a BIG year for him! In a short amount of time he has become a father, is finishing his dissertation, and is turning 30 on the 29th. Plus, at the end of November they are moving back to the states and he hopes to be installed in his first church in January.
I have decided to celebrate by not doing paperwork tonight. I'll just try to get it done tomorrow. Tonight I shall plan all the ways this wee bairn will be spoiled, the adventures we will have, the clothes she will 'have' to have, the blessing she will be.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Saw this today and thought it was very funny.
Polonius says Hamlet's crazy ... crazy in love!
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Hamlet are now friends.
Hamlet wonders if he should continue to exist. Or not.
Hamlet thinks Ophelia might be happier in a convent.
Ophelia removed "moody princes" from her interests.
Hamlet posted an event: A Play That's Totally Fictional and In No Way About My Family
The king commented on Hamlet's play: "What is wrong with you?"
Polonius thinks this curtain looks like a good thing to hide behind.
Polonius is no longer online.
Polonius says Hamlet's crazy ... crazy in love!
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Hamlet are now friends.
Hamlet wonders if he should continue to exist. Or not.
Hamlet thinks Ophelia might be happier in a convent.
Ophelia removed "moody princes" from her interests.
Hamlet posted an event: A Play That's Totally Fictional and In No Way About My Family
The king commented on Hamlet's play: "What is wrong with you?"
Polonius thinks this curtain looks like a good thing to hide behind.
Polonius is no longer online.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
An interview with Jilli
I still look forward to getting to meet her someday. Sigh, I would dress like this so easily.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
OK! I'm waiting...
I have been praying about work and what to do with that whole situation. With things as stressful as they are there, I REALLY want to go elsewhere. I hear of jobs; however, it quickly becomes clear that those positions aren't where God wants me to be. A year and a half from now the job I have dreamed of having opens. In some ways that seems where God is pointing me to go. The thought of doing that job scares me silly, though. It would be a BIG change. I get frustrated at the thought of having to wait another 1.5 years. It feels like the 9 years should have been enough. David had to have felt the same way.
I got these devotions this morning. God's timing is so awesome. I'm sitting in a friends summer rental apt here in Tallahassee. I came for the weekend to see my friends. I've been here almost 24 hours and it has been amazing. I'm exhausted; however, refreshed. For the moment, this is my "Hebron". I have fellowshiped with a fellow believer. We have discussed some of our dreams and frustrations and both know God is in control. The worst part is I got sick last night with a migraine and am feeling it's after effects today...ugh
The years that David waited were very difficult. I can relate. Tom has toiled for 21+ years as a shift worker and now the end of that is in sight. Yes, big news for us is God answered a prayer and Tom has been offered a job as a "Work Week Manager" at Unit 3. A job that, for the most part, does not involve weekends, nights or being on shift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, LORD! We are just waiting for him to be released from his current position. He is so ready to start this new phase. Doors are opening, changes are starting, the light at the end of the tunnel has gotten a little bigger and a little brighter.
So now I'm going to gab a quick bite, get dressed, go to the campus bookstores to take care of a few things, go help friends with their projects and enjoy being here. I'll also keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Waiting for God's Time
11 Samuel 2:1-11
Second Samuel 2 opens with these words: "And it came to pass after this, that David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron" (v. 1).
David found, as we will too, that we never lose anything by believing God and then patiently waiting on Him. But we will surely suffer if we take things into our own hands and rush blindly ahead.
The word "Hebron" means "alliance" or "communion" in contrast to Ziklag, which refers to self-will. Being allied with God and being in communion with Him, David was in a place to be led in the will of God.
David's reign began by reigning first over Judah. It was not necessary for David to take the throne; God saw that he received it. God moved him back to Hebron, and his own tribe anointed him king.
Seven and a half years went by, however, before the whole kingdom was put under his hand. David still had to wait, but it was God's time he was waiting for, not people's.
"There is a time there for every purpose and for every work" (Eccles. 3:17).
Here is my devotion from Elizabeth Elliot, too. Do you get the feeling God is trying to tell me something???
Do You Want an Answer?
This is the question we need to ask ourselves when we are seeking "solutions" to our problems. Often we want only an audience. We want the chance to air grievances, to present our excuses, to make an explanation for our behavior, rather than a cure. More often than not the clearest and most direct answer can be found in the Word, but it must be sought honestly.
"The way of the Lord gives refuge to the honest man, but dismays those who do evil" (Prv. 10:29 NEB).
We can approach God's word with a will to obey whatever it says to us about our present situation, or we can avoid it and say to anyone who would try to point us to it, "Don't throw the Book at me." The latter is an evasion, which supports our suspicion that our problems are, in fact, insoluble. The honest (i.e., humble) heart will indeed find the Lord's way to be a refuge.
I got these devotions this morning. God's timing is so awesome. I'm sitting in a friends summer rental apt here in Tallahassee. I came for the weekend to see my friends. I've been here almost 24 hours and it has been amazing. I'm exhausted; however, refreshed. For the moment, this is my "Hebron". I have fellowshiped with a fellow believer. We have discussed some of our dreams and frustrations and both know God is in control. The worst part is I got sick last night with a migraine and am feeling it's after effects today...ugh
The years that David waited were very difficult. I can relate. Tom has toiled for 21+ years as a shift worker and now the end of that is in sight. Yes, big news for us is God answered a prayer and Tom has been offered a job as a "Work Week Manager" at Unit 3. A job that, for the most part, does not involve weekends, nights or being on shift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, LORD! We are just waiting for him to be released from his current position. He is so ready to start this new phase. Doors are opening, changes are starting, the light at the end of the tunnel has gotten a little bigger and a little brighter.
So now I'm going to gab a quick bite, get dressed, go to the campus bookstores to take care of a few things, go help friends with their projects and enjoy being here. I'll also keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Waiting for God's Time
11 Samuel 2:1-11
Second Samuel 2 opens with these words: "And it came to pass after this, that David inquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron" (v. 1).
David found, as we will too, that we never lose anything by believing God and then patiently waiting on Him. But we will surely suffer if we take things into our own hands and rush blindly ahead.
The word "Hebron" means "alliance" or "communion" in contrast to Ziklag, which refers to self-will. Being allied with God and being in communion with Him, David was in a place to be led in the will of God.
David's reign began by reigning first over Judah. It was not necessary for David to take the throne; God saw that he received it. God moved him back to Hebron, and his own tribe anointed him king.
Seven and a half years went by, however, before the whole kingdom was put under his hand. David still had to wait, but it was God's time he was waiting for, not people's.
"There is a time there for every purpose and for every work" (Eccles. 3:17).
Here is my devotion from Elizabeth Elliot, too. Do you get the feeling God is trying to tell me something???
Do You Want an Answer?
This is the question we need to ask ourselves when we are seeking "solutions" to our problems. Often we want only an audience. We want the chance to air grievances, to present our excuses, to make an explanation for our behavior, rather than a cure. More often than not the clearest and most direct answer can be found in the Word, but it must be sought honestly.
"The way of the Lord gives refuge to the honest man, but dismays those who do evil" (Prv. 10:29 NEB).
We can approach God's word with a will to obey whatever it says to us about our present situation, or we can avoid it and say to anyone who would try to point us to it, "Don't throw the Book at me." The latter is an evasion, which supports our suspicion that our problems are, in fact, insoluble. The honest (i.e., humble) heart will indeed find the Lord's way to be a refuge.
Elizabeth Elliot,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
For today...
"Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all" (1 Chron. 29:11).
"Charity rejoiceth not in iniquity" (1 Cor 13:6 AV). Let us be willing to call iniquity what is really iniquity, rather than to call it weakness, temperament, failure, hangups, or to fall back on the tired excuse, "It's just the way I am."
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me." (Ps 51:10 AV)
"Charity rejoiceth not in iniquity" (1 Cor 13:6 AV). Let us be willing to call iniquity what is really iniquity, rather than to call it weakness, temperament, failure, hangups, or to fall back on the tired excuse, "It's just the way I am."
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me." (Ps 51:10 AV)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sometimes I need reminding...
Sometimes I make mistakes and have to accept the results. Being stubborn, independent and, yes, Scottish, I often feel that I must shoulder problems on my own. I need the reminder that when I screw up and have to deal with the consequences, or when hard times simply come my way, that God is always there and all I have to do is come to Him. When needed, I can be forgiven. When needed, He will give me the strength and resources to get through. When needed, He will open the door, window, outlet, or even blow out a wall to get me though.
My Own Fault
Someone who is suffering as a result of his own foolishness or failure may read these words. These griefs are hard indeed to bear, for we feel we might easily have avoided them. We have no one to blame but ourselves, and there isn't much consolation there. Sometimes we imagine that we must bear this kind of trouble alone, but that is a mistake. The Lamb of God, slain for us, has borne all of our griefs and carried all of our sorrows, no matter what their origin. All grief and sorrow is the result of sin somewhere along the line, but Christ received them willingly. It is nothing but pride that keeps me from asking Him to help me to bear the troubles which are my own fault.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, take away mine.
I take Him at His word indeed,
Christ died for sinners--this I read--
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my Savior.
(Dora Greenwell)
And my "quote for the day"
On a separate note, but connected to my post from last night. Dr. Robert Dalzell, the father of a very dear friend of mine, lost his battle with cancer last night at 11 pm PST. He was at home with his family, like he wanted; however, that doesn't make it any easier. He and Nora were married for 49 years and he had a daughter, Jennifer who has a daughter, and a son, Drew. He was a head pathologist at 2 hospitals and an avid HAM radio user. He had a wicked sense of humor and loved watching Benny Hill.
Drew, my prayers are with you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss.
My Own Fault
Someone who is suffering as a result of his own foolishness or failure may read these words. These griefs are hard indeed to bear, for we feel we might easily have avoided them. We have no one to blame but ourselves, and there isn't much consolation there. Sometimes we imagine that we must bear this kind of trouble alone, but that is a mistake. The Lamb of God, slain for us, has borne all of our griefs and carried all of our sorrows, no matter what their origin. All grief and sorrow is the result of sin somewhere along the line, but Christ received them willingly. It is nothing but pride that keeps me from asking Him to help me to bear the troubles which are my own fault.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, take away mine.
I take Him at His word indeed,
Christ died for sinners--this I read--
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my Savior.
(Dora Greenwell)
And my "quote for the day"
There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change.
~ Euripides
On a separate note, but connected to my post from last night. Dr. Robert Dalzell, the father of a very dear friend of mine, lost his battle with cancer last night at 11 pm PST. He was at home with his family, like he wanted; however, that doesn't make it any easier. He and Nora were married for 49 years and he had a daughter, Jennifer who has a daughter, and a son, Drew. He was a head pathologist at 2 hospitals and an avid HAM radio user. He had a wicked sense of humor and loved watching Benny Hill.
Drew, my prayers are with you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
is a scourge on those it afflicts as well as the families and friends involved.
I know this is something that most people realize; however, I felt the need to state that. Cancer has affected my family. Thankfully Dad and Mom were able to sidestep its grasp quickly and without lasting consequences. Sadly, Tom lost his mom to the evil scourge in 2005 (note to any woman reading this...PLEASE GET YOUR EXAMS EVERY YEAR...IT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE...I know that is shouting; however, I am passionate about this fact). Now, my dear friend, Drew, is dealing with his father suffering from Stage 4 cancer (liver, lung and brain). His dad is one of those who never smoked who is being struck down by this painful disease. The doctors have given him limited time, days to weeks. His mom is suffering from Parkinson's and probably won't last long after him.
My prayers are with my friend and any others walking down this path at this time.
I know this is something that most people realize; however, I felt the need to state that. Cancer has affected my family. Thankfully Dad and Mom were able to sidestep its grasp quickly and without lasting consequences. Sadly, Tom lost his mom to the evil scourge in 2005 (note to any woman reading this...PLEASE GET YOUR EXAMS EVERY YEAR...IT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE...I know that is shouting; however, I am passionate about this fact). Now, my dear friend, Drew, is dealing with his father suffering from Stage 4 cancer (liver, lung and brain). His dad is one of those who never smoked who is being struck down by this painful disease. The doctors have given him limited time, days to weeks. His mom is suffering from Parkinson's and probably won't last long after him.
My prayers are with my friend and any others walking down this path at this time.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Multitude of devotions...
A dear friend of mine is going through some rough times right now. Since they shared what they were dealing with I have been "bombarded" by devotions that not only speak to my heart but also point to things they are facing. I had thought about just sending these to them; however, it seemed that others may be blessed by these as well.
I know they know I'm praying for them as they walk through this difficult time. I pray God uses these words as a comfort and continues to make Himself known to them in every circumstance.
Freedom from Fear
There is a sense in which every form of fear is essentially the fear of death. Jesus came to deliver us from that in all its forms. "He became a human being so that by going through death as a man he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might also set free those who lived their whole lives a prey to the fear of death" (Heb 2:14,15 JBP).
I know people whose lives are totally controlled by fear. There is no bondage more powerful and crippling. Fear takes over the mind, coercing and circumscribing all its activity. We know where that spirit of fear originates, and we know the name of the enemy who would hold us enslaved. In the name of our God we must tread down our enemies, including all the nagging "what ifs" of our lives. To those frightening possibilities Christ answers, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Let the very worst thing come to pass--even there, especially there, his hand will hold us. If we go into darkness, He is there, has been there before us, has conquered all its powers. That's why He became a man. That's why He died. That's why He rose again.
My Lord and my God--forgive my fears. Deliver me from bondage by the power of your resurrection.
God's Secret Purpose
Whatever the enemy of our souls can do to instill doubt about the real purpose of the Father of our souls, he will certainly try to do. "Hath God said?" was his question to Eve, and she trusted him, the enemy, and doubted God. Each time the suspicion arises that God is really "out to get us," that He is bent on making us miserable or thwarting any good we might seek, we are calling Him a liar. His secret purpose has been revealed to us, and it is to bring us finally, not to ruin, but to glory. That is precisely what the Bible tells us: "His secret purpose framed from the very beginning [is] to bring us to our full glory" (1 Cor 2:7 NEB).
I know of no more steadying hope on which to focus my mind when circumstances tempt me to wonder why God doesn't "do something." He is always doing something--the very best thing, the thing we ourselves would certainly choose if we knew the end from the beginning. He is at work to bring us to our full glory.
The Way Appointed
One aspect of the mystery of God's sovereign will is how the calculated evil of men is not only permitted, but actually becomes a necessary part of the divine plan. We are tempted to think of the wrongs done to us as hindrances, frustrations, interruptions. "What has this got to do with the will of God?" we ask, irritated and, we suppose, justifiably impatient with human interference. But the truth is that both our time and our way are in God's hands--they are "appointed." Surely it is so for all his sons as it was for the Son of Man. When He was on the verge of being "handed over for crucifixion," and betrayed by one of his own disciples, He said, "My appointed time is near....One who has dipped his hand into this bowl with me will betray me. The Son of Man is going the way appointed for him" (Mt 26:18, 24 NEB).
Out of the deepest depths of human evil the good God brought salvation--the very salvation of man whose sinfulness killed the Son He sent.
Nothing can reach us, from any source in earth or hell, no matter how evil, which God cannot turn to his own redemptive purpose. Let us be glad that the way is not a game of chance, a mere roll of dice which determines our fortune or calamity--it is a way appointed, and it is appointed for God's eternal glory and our final good.
Gentle as a Nurse
A good nurse does not pamper her charge, but seeks his best interest with fortitude, consistency, and love. Paul's love for the new Christians at Thessalonica was like that. It was no sentimental feeling. He writes of having brought them the Word:
*In the power of the Holy Spirit, and with strong conviction. (1 Thes 1:5)
*Frankly and fearlessly, by the help of our God. A hard struggle it was. (1 Thes 2:2)
*We do not curry favor with men. Our words have never been flattering words...or a cloak for greed. (1 Thes 2:4,5)
*We have never sought honor from men, from you or anyone else....We were as gentle with you as a nurse caring fondly for her children. (1 Thes 2:6,7)
Here is the pattern for all who would do God's work with souls: faithful giving of the Word, a heart true and pure in seeking God's glory, gentleness, self-giving, and plain hard work.
I know they know I'm praying for them as they walk through this difficult time. I pray God uses these words as a comfort and continues to make Himself known to them in every circumstance.
Freedom from Fear
There is a sense in which every form of fear is essentially the fear of death. Jesus came to deliver us from that in all its forms. "He became a human being so that by going through death as a man he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might also set free those who lived their whole lives a prey to the fear of death" (Heb 2:14,15 JBP).
I know people whose lives are totally controlled by fear. There is no bondage more powerful and crippling. Fear takes over the mind, coercing and circumscribing all its activity. We know where that spirit of fear originates, and we know the name of the enemy who would hold us enslaved. In the name of our God we must tread down our enemies, including all the nagging "what ifs" of our lives. To those frightening possibilities Christ answers, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Let the very worst thing come to pass--even there, especially there, his hand will hold us. If we go into darkness, He is there, has been there before us, has conquered all its powers. That's why He became a man. That's why He died. That's why He rose again.
My Lord and my God--forgive my fears. Deliver me from bondage by the power of your resurrection.
God's Secret Purpose
Whatever the enemy of our souls can do to instill doubt about the real purpose of the Father of our souls, he will certainly try to do. "Hath God said?" was his question to Eve, and she trusted him, the enemy, and doubted God. Each time the suspicion arises that God is really "out to get us," that He is bent on making us miserable or thwarting any good we might seek, we are calling Him a liar. His secret purpose has been revealed to us, and it is to bring us finally, not to ruin, but to glory. That is precisely what the Bible tells us: "His secret purpose framed from the very beginning [is] to bring us to our full glory" (1 Cor 2:7 NEB).
I know of no more steadying hope on which to focus my mind when circumstances tempt me to wonder why God doesn't "do something." He is always doing something--the very best thing, the thing we ourselves would certainly choose if we knew the end from the beginning. He is at work to bring us to our full glory.
The Way Appointed
One aspect of the mystery of God's sovereign will is how the calculated evil of men is not only permitted, but actually becomes a necessary part of the divine plan. We are tempted to think of the wrongs done to us as hindrances, frustrations, interruptions. "What has this got to do with the will of God?" we ask, irritated and, we suppose, justifiably impatient with human interference. But the truth is that both our time and our way are in God's hands--they are "appointed." Surely it is so for all his sons as it was for the Son of Man. When He was on the verge of being "handed over for crucifixion," and betrayed by one of his own disciples, He said, "My appointed time is near....One who has dipped his hand into this bowl with me will betray me. The Son of Man is going the way appointed for him" (Mt 26:18, 24 NEB).
Out of the deepest depths of human evil the good God brought salvation--the very salvation of man whose sinfulness killed the Son He sent.
Nothing can reach us, from any source in earth or hell, no matter how evil, which God cannot turn to his own redemptive purpose. Let us be glad that the way is not a game of chance, a mere roll of dice which determines our fortune or calamity--it is a way appointed, and it is appointed for God's eternal glory and our final good.
Gentle as a Nurse
A good nurse does not pamper her charge, but seeks his best interest with fortitude, consistency, and love. Paul's love for the new Christians at Thessalonica was like that. It was no sentimental feeling. He writes of having brought them the Word:
*In the power of the Holy Spirit, and with strong conviction. (1 Thes 1:5)
*Frankly and fearlessly, by the help of our God. A hard struggle it was. (1 Thes 2:2)
*We do not curry favor with men. Our words have never been flattering words...or a cloak for greed. (1 Thes 2:4,5)
*We have never sought honor from men, from you or anyone else....We were as gentle with you as a nurse caring fondly for her children. (1 Thes 2:6,7)
Here is the pattern for all who would do God's work with souls: faithful giving of the Word, a heart true and pure in seeking God's glory, gentleness, self-giving, and plain hard work.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Recently read...
Sometimes, divine revelation simply means adjusting your brain to hear what your heart already knows.
Sometime God reveals interesting lessons from the most unusual places.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A quote and a question...
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
~Mary Oliver
I received this "quote" in my e-mail this morning. Over the years I have become a collector of quotes and use them in my classes to encourage and challenge my students. Sometimes the quotes do the same for me, which is why I chose them!
This is one of those "challenge me" types of quotes. The basic answer is "serve God and follow the path He sets before me". However, right now it's a little hard. I feel a little stuck. Things are starting to change and prayers are answered. There are other things that are slow, though. I guess I'm struggling with the "wait". In the end 'I' am not planning my live, God is planning it. I am still confident it will be a wild and precious life.
~Mary Oliver
I received this "quote" in my e-mail this morning. Over the years I have become a collector of quotes and use them in my classes to encourage and challenge my students. Sometimes the quotes do the same for me, which is why I chose them!
This is one of those "challenge me" types of quotes. The basic answer is "serve God and follow the path He sets before me". However, right now it's a little hard. I feel a little stuck. Things are starting to change and prayers are answered. There are other things that are slow, though. I guess I'm struggling with the "wait". In the end 'I' am not planning my live, God is planning it. I am still confident it will be a wild and precious life.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
God has a sense of humor...
As I mentioned yesterday, we have gotten an answer to prayer (and I'm still not ready to talk about it as there are still some things yet to be revealed). While the answer took time and has been difficult to wait to learn the outcome, there are other things we have been praying about for a much longer time. As I said yesterday, my job is something I have been praying about for a while. The last 1.5 years have been especially difficult. I don't understand why I am being told to wait; however, God has said wait is his answer.
Today I got this devotion. God truly works in mysterious way and does has a sense of humor.
Few of us enjoy having to wait for something we want. It is human nature to desire instant gratification, and it is divine nature to do many things very, very slowly. Growth is always imperceptible. But the farmer exercises long patience in waiting for his crop. He has done his work and is assured of the result, hence he waits quietly. He is at rest because the outcome (barring disastrous "acts of God") is certain. If we could simply remember that this is true of everything--that God's purposes are slowly being worked out for his glory and our good--we would, like the farmer, keep faith and wait quietly.
Lord, take from us all fretting and hurrying and teach us to rest our hearts in the "ultimate certainty" (Jas 5:7 JBP).
Today I got this devotion. God truly works in mysterious way and does has a sense of humor.
Few of us enjoy having to wait for something we want. It is human nature to desire instant gratification, and it is divine nature to do many things very, very slowly. Growth is always imperceptible. But the farmer exercises long patience in waiting for his crop. He has done his work and is assured of the result, hence he waits quietly. He is at rest because the outcome (barring disastrous "acts of God") is certain. If we could simply remember that this is true of everything--that God's purposes are slowly being worked out for his glory and our good--we would, like the farmer, keep faith and wait quietly.
Lord, take from us all fretting and hurrying and teach us to rest our hearts in the "ultimate certainty" (Jas 5:7 JBP).
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
For today...
So things are starting to change around here. We finally got an answer to a prayer (more on that to come). The word for me, though, where my job is concerned is still "wait." I'm struggling with the waiting. For 9 years I have served in this position. For much of those 9 years it hasn't been the blissful experience I would have hoped it to be. There are things I would like to do and those doors haven't opened, yet, either. However, I am committed to doing what God wants me to do. Sometimes I'm not sure what it is that God wants. I have dreams, hopes, aspirations.
Today's devotion really spoke to me. This truly seems to be where I am presently sitting. I want to say "thy will be done." I want to put myself totally at God's disposal. I want God to lead and put me where He would have me be.
The primary condition for learning what God wants of us is putting ourselves wholly at his disposal. It is just here that we are often blocked. We hold certain reservations about how far we are willing to go, what we will or will not do, how much God can have of us or of what we treasure. Then we pray for guidance. It will not work. We must begin by laying it all down--ourselves, our treasures, our destiny. Then we are in a position to think with renewed minds and act with a transformed nature. The withholding of any part of ourselves is the same as saying, "Thy will be done up to a point, mine from there on."
Paul gives four important steps to discerning the will of God:
1. "Offer your very selves to Him,"
2. "Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world."
3. "Let your minds be remade."
4. "Your whole nature transformed."
"Then you will be able to discern the will of God" (Rom 12:1,2 NEB).
Today's devotion really spoke to me. This truly seems to be where I am presently sitting. I want to say "thy will be done." I want to put myself totally at God's disposal. I want God to lead and put me where He would have me be.
The primary condition for learning what God wants of us is putting ourselves wholly at his disposal. It is just here that we are often blocked. We hold certain reservations about how far we are willing to go, what we will or will not do, how much God can have of us or of what we treasure. Then we pray for guidance. It will not work. We must begin by laying it all down--ourselves, our treasures, our destiny. Then we are in a position to think with renewed minds and act with a transformed nature. The withholding of any part of ourselves is the same as saying, "Thy will be done up to a point, mine from there on."
Paul gives four important steps to discerning the will of God:
1. "Offer your very selves to Him,"
2. "Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world."
3. "Let your minds be remade."
4. "Your whole nature transformed."
"Then you will be able to discern the will of God" (Rom 12:1,2 NEB).
Sunday, June 29, 2008
For the previous 3 years 'today' would be my first full day in Tallahassee. Yesterday I was particularly struck by the knowledge that it should be the day I am moving 'north for the summer'. Going to grad school was an amazing experience. It is also something that really rooted me. I came back feeling recharged and refueled. Now I feel like I am just sitting here, stranded. I miss my friends in the 'new class' from last year. While most of them and I have stayed in touch, it isn't the same as getting to see them regularly. I miss my friends from the year before me, too. While we e-mail and call, it, too, isn't the same.
I've been doing stuff around the house; however, I feel trapped. I feel aimless, bored, without direction. While there things I could be doing to get ready for school next year, I just don't want to. Next school year taunts me. Teaching 7 classes next year, with at least 3 of those being English, plus producing at least 3 shows is going to be so difficult! I worry about the morale at the school as well.
I am hopeful about Tom getting the new job. It won't be easy for him, at first; however, there is so much potential. He will be challenged and have opportunities to grow. He will be in a place where he can make a difference, make more money, feel utilized, and (biggest of all) be off shift work. He is excited and I am excited for him.
It will be another 1.5 years before I, Lord willing, will be able to make a change in job. I keep praying that position will open for me. Maybe next summer God will open the door for us to move houses. I am also praying that next summer God will allow me to go to England. This doesn't change this summer, though. I would love to go somewhere, maybe Dallas to see Anji! I don't know, though. What I do know is I can't keep sitting around here. Citrus County is draining me dry.
I've been doing stuff around the house; however, I feel trapped. I feel aimless, bored, without direction. While there things I could be doing to get ready for school next year, I just don't want to. Next school year taunts me. Teaching 7 classes next year, with at least 3 of those being English, plus producing at least 3 shows is going to be so difficult! I worry about the morale at the school as well.
I am hopeful about Tom getting the new job. It won't be easy for him, at first; however, there is so much potential. He will be challenged and have opportunities to grow. He will be in a place where he can make a difference, make more money, feel utilized, and (biggest of all) be off shift work. He is excited and I am excited for him.
It will be another 1.5 years before I, Lord willing, will be able to make a change in job. I keep praying that position will open for me. Maybe next summer God will open the door for us to move houses. I am also praying that next summer God will allow me to go to England. This doesn't change this summer, though. I would love to go somewhere, maybe Dallas to see Anji! I don't know, though. What I do know is I can't keep sitting around here. Citrus County is draining me dry.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Someone from high school
So I was doing some random "googling" today and found this. I went to high school with Kym, this girl in this! I remember talking about Star Wars back then. Way to go, Kym!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
thoughts from a movie...
Thirty-seven seconds well used is a lifetime.
Your life is an occasion, rise to it.
both from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Your life is an occasion, rise to it.
both from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Patrick Stewart on "The Scottish Play"
This is an amazing article by the NY Times on Patrick Stewart's performance of the title character in "The Scottish Play". It's no secret that he is one of my favorite actors. All I can say is...take a look.
I'm sad he didn't win the Tony for the performance; however, just that he got nominated says so much. Plus, he was one of the first out of his seat to shake the had of the guy that did win. It just shows what a gentleman he is. I just wish I was able to see the production. I know someone who did, she said it was magnificent!
I'm sad he didn't win the Tony for the performance; however, just that he got nominated says so much. Plus, he was one of the first out of his seat to shake the had of the guy that did win. It just shows what a gentleman he is. I just wish I was able to see the production. I know someone who did, she said it was magnificent!
New York Times,
Patrick Stewart,
The Scottish Play,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Responsible to Praise
Yes, my devotions have struck again. As I sit here pondering, there are a lot of things I could say to respond to Ms. Eliot's words. However, I don't think I shall. Instead, I am going to spend some time praying and mulling over this lesson.
We cannot always or even often control events, but we can control how we respond to them. When things happen which dismay or appall, we ought to look to God for his meaning, remembering that He is not taken by surprise nor can his purposes be thwarted in the end. What God looks for is those who will worship Him. Our look of inquiring trust glorifies Him.
One of the witnesses to the crucifixion was a military officer to whom the scene was surely not a novelty. He had seen plenty of criminals nailed up. But the response of this Man who hung there was of such an utterly different nature than that of the others that the centurion knew at once that He was innocent. His own response then, rather than one of despair that such a terrible injustice should take place, or of anger at God who might have prevented it, was praise (Lk 23:47 NEB).
This is our first responsibility: to glorify God. In the face of life's worst reversals and tragedies, the response of a faithful Christian is praise--not for the wrong itself certainly, but for who God is and for the ultimate assurance that there is a pattern being worked out for those who love Him.
We cannot always or even often control events, but we can control how we respond to them. When things happen which dismay or appall, we ought to look to God for his meaning, remembering that He is not taken by surprise nor can his purposes be thwarted in the end. What God looks for is those who will worship Him. Our look of inquiring trust glorifies Him.
One of the witnesses to the crucifixion was a military officer to whom the scene was surely not a novelty. He had seen plenty of criminals nailed up. But the response of this Man who hung there was of such an utterly different nature than that of the others that the centurion knew at once that He was innocent. His own response then, rather than one of despair that such a terrible injustice should take place, or of anger at God who might have prevented it, was praise (Lk 23:47 NEB).
This is our first responsibility: to glorify God. In the face of life's worst reversals and tragedies, the response of a faithful Christian is praise--not for the wrong itself certainly, but for who God is and for the ultimate assurance that there is a pattern being worked out for those who love Him.
Monday, June 09, 2008!
As of 3:15 today I am done with the 2007-2008 school year!!! I'm turning cartwheels, trust me. There is work to do this summer to make next year run smoothly; however, the work can be done from HOME! I don't have to go to that school unless I CHOOSE to!!!!
Now, if I could just make some summer plans. I know I'm going to miss being at FSU with the other MasterS_of_FSU and going up for a weekend or 2 isn't going to be the same. **sigh** I wish I was working on a PhD. Maybe God will open that door and the door to new jobs for Tom and for me.
Tom might find out within the next 2 weeks if he got the job back at Unit 3. (Please Lord???)
To celebrate the summer, I'm going to see The Cure Wednesday night. The only bad thing is I'm having to go alone. Tom is working and there really isn't anyone else to go with. Oh well, the experience will be amazing! I can't wait! I just have to think up something AMAZING to wear.
Now, if I could just make some summer plans. I know I'm going to miss being at FSU with the other MasterS_of_FSU and going up for a weekend or 2 isn't going to be the same. **sigh** I wish I was working on a PhD. Maybe God will open that door and the door to new jobs for Tom and for me.
Tom might find out within the next 2 weeks if he got the job back at Unit 3. (Please Lord???)
To celebrate the summer, I'm going to see The Cure Wednesday night. The only bad thing is I'm having to go alone. Tom is working and there really isn't anyone else to go with. Oh well, the experience will be amazing! I can't wait! I just have to think up something AMAZING to wear.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
More than tired, I'm exhausted, weary and just...done. Four more days and this school year is done. The English class is pushing my last nerve. There is paperwork that needs to be done and every time I try to work on it, something happens, ugh. There are 300 carnations and 275 roses in my class right now that need to be made ready for graduation tomorrow night (please, Lord, let all of them sell!).
Lord, please give me the strength to get all of the work tomorrow and the rest of the year. I know I can't do it without you. And, please, let me recover from all of this quickly and without problem.
Lord, please give me the strength to get all of the work tomorrow and the rest of the year. I know I can't do it without you. And, please, let me recover from all of this quickly and without problem.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
From my devotions...
It is not always easy to know whether a thing we long for is a temptation from Satan to distract us from obedience and make us discontent, or something God actually wants to give us and therefore wants us to pray for. There is no such thing as something "too good to be true." God is loving and lavishly generous and has promised to give what is good--that is, what He who is omniscient knows to be good for us.
So today I asked Him to give me the prayers He wants me to pray and to give or withhold anything according to his plan for me. Nothing is too big to ask of Him, not even an ocean lot. It is God's business to decide if it is good for me. It is my business to obey Him.
"No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Ps 84:11).
Once again, thank you, Lord, for the impact you have used Elizabeth Eliot to have on my life. May I remember this lesson today and in the days to come.
So today I asked Him to give me the prayers He wants me to pray and to give or withhold anything according to his plan for me. Nothing is too big to ask of Him, not even an ocean lot. It is God's business to decide if it is good for me. It is my business to obey Him.
"No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Ps 84:11).
Once again, thank you, Lord, for the impact you have used Elizabeth Eliot to have on my life. May I remember this lesson today and in the days to come.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thoughts for today
"To change for others (or for someone else) is to compromise who you really are."
~Mona Lisa Smile
As this school year draws to a close I have been thinking/praying about the future. How much longer will God have me stay at CRHS? Mona Lisa Smile, may not be the greatest movie ever; however, there is much there that speaks to me. Julia Roberts character reminds me much of myself.
I am beginning to pray for a specific job. In 1.5 years what could be my "dream job" will be opening. Many feel this is what I have been being groomed for for 10 years. I want to do what God wants me to do.
CRHS is becoming increasingly miserable. People are leaving in such great numbers. 20+ teachers leave each year and that number hasn't slowed in 5+ years. It isn't a happy place to work. I constantly feel that I am expected to conform to a mold dictated by administrative powers. I stand against being "Simonized". I don't want to conform and don't think that I should have to. I crave a place where I am supported, respected and encouraged...and where I do not have to teach English!
So, while I do not want to change for others...I do want to change for God. I am trusting Him to open the door to a future job. (The more I pray about this the more miserable CRHS becomes.) I am leaning on his leading and provision for all things.
I can't wait to see the future unfold...
~Mona Lisa Smile
As this school year draws to a close I have been thinking/praying about the future. How much longer will God have me stay at CRHS? Mona Lisa Smile, may not be the greatest movie ever; however, there is much there that speaks to me. Julia Roberts character reminds me much of myself.
I am beginning to pray for a specific job. In 1.5 years what could be my "dream job" will be opening. Many feel this is what I have been being groomed for for 10 years. I want to do what God wants me to do.
CRHS is becoming increasingly miserable. People are leaving in such great numbers. 20+ teachers leave each year and that number hasn't slowed in 5+ years. It isn't a happy place to work. I constantly feel that I am expected to conform to a mold dictated by administrative powers. I stand against being "Simonized". I don't want to conform and don't think that I should have to. I crave a place where I am supported, respected and encouraged...and where I do not have to teach English!
So, while I do not want to change for others...I do want to change for God. I am trusting Him to open the door to a future job. (The more I pray about this the more miserable CRHS becomes.) I am leaning on his leading and provision for all things.
I can't wait to see the future unfold...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
my hope...
Lead me, Lord, to the Rock that is higher than I. Let me hear your word, give me grace to obey, to build steadily, stone upon stone, day by day, to do what You say. Establish my heart where floods have no power to overwhelm, for Christ's sake. Amen.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Crossing the picket line...
I'm breaking my 'strike' to talk about something that is really hitting me hard...
It seems to go from bad to worse. I'm trusting God; however, the storm seems to be getting worse. Lord, Help me...please. I'm sinking fast and might drown.
I'm finally getting to read the local paper for today. On the front page there is an article on the cuts to the school board and some of the things we can expect for next year. They actually mentioned the possibility of us having a pay cut. They are "hoping" to give us our 'step' raise of $500; however, we will probably see nothing beyond that and we don't have a contract for next year, yet.
I looked on the Chronicle's web site for a link to the article; however, they didn't have it posted on the site (like I'm surprised by that one).
Anyone know of a job for a Drama Teacher/Director with a BA in English and a Masters in Theatre???
It seems to go from bad to worse. I'm trusting God; however, the storm seems to be getting worse. Lord, Help me...please. I'm sinking fast and might drown.
I'm finally getting to read the local paper for today. On the front page there is an article on the cuts to the school board and some of the things we can expect for next year. They actually mentioned the possibility of us having a pay cut. They are "hoping" to give us our 'step' raise of $500; however, we will probably see nothing beyond that and we don't have a contract for next year, yet.
I looked on the Chronicle's web site for a link to the article; however, they didn't have it posted on the site (like I'm surprised by that one).
Anyone know of a job for a Drama Teacher/Director with a BA in English and a Masters in Theatre???
Sunday, April 20, 2008
On Strike???
I have borrowed most of this from The Conventicle (I hope you guys don't mind!); however, it seemed like it would work for me as well. If you have any thoughts, feel free to respond.
Rather than saying my blog is on hiatus, I think it would be more awesome, sweet, stupendous, good, noble to say that I am on strike. A strike over what, you ask? Not sure. But here are some ideas I have been considering:
1) Teachers get paid the salary they deserve
2) Drama in the schools is recognized as a valid subject and not just a fluff course.
3) When all anonymous commenters in all of blogdom write their real name, drop their moral outrage over book reviews and stuff, and say sorry for hijacking posts (I'm looking at you, 'anonymous'), I shall post again.
4) Until someone can give a satisfactory explanation for the dismissal of ___(insert appropriate name)___ from ___(insert appropriate reality TV show)_____, I shall post no more forever.
5) When Peter Jackson agrees to direct The Hobbit, I shall come down off the mountain with yet another post about obscure things to be read only by people who already know them.
6) Equal cuts are made to sports (Football in particular) that are suggested for other school programs and entire school schedules are not adjusted for athletics. Please stop telling us all things are equal when it is painfully obvious that the opposite is true. Maybe this could be expanded to include state spending for education??? Cuts to education only hurt the students.
7) School administrators do not look at a certificate or resume, see a degree or certified area and automatically assume it means a person is able to teach a subject.
8) Standardized state mandated testing of students...'nuff said.
9) When Tetris: The Musical earns a Tony for "Best New Musical" I shall post again.
10) When my students happily do all of their homework every night and come to class anxious to participate in every activity.
Right, well I'm just brainstorming here.
Until my next post: Power to the ____________ and down with _____________ for a better _______________. Join me as I strike for this.
Rather than saying my blog is on hiatus, I think it would be more
1) Teachers get paid the salary they deserve
2) Drama in the schools is recognized as a valid subject and not just a fluff course.
3) When all anonymous commenters in all of blogdom write their real name, drop their moral outrage over book reviews and stuff, and say sorry for hijacking posts (I'm looking at you, 'anonymous'), I shall post again.
4) Until someone can give a satisfactory explanation for the dismissal of ___(insert appropriate name)___ from ___(insert appropriate reality TV show)_____, I shall post no more forever.
5) When Peter Jackson agrees to direct The Hobbit, I shall come down off the mountain with yet another post about obscure things to be read only by people who already know them.
6) Equal cuts are made to sports (Football in particular) that are suggested for other school programs and entire school schedules are not adjusted for athletics. Please stop telling us all things are equal when it is painfully obvious that the opposite is true. Maybe this could be expanded to include state spending for education??? Cuts to education only hurt the students.
7) School administrators do not look at a certificate or resume, see a degree or certified area and automatically assume it means a person is able to teach a subject.
8) Standardized state mandated testing of students...'nuff said.
9) When Tetris: The Musical earns a Tony for "Best New Musical" I shall post again.
10) When my students happily do all of their homework every night and come to class anxious to participate in every activity.
Right, well I'm just brainstorming here.
Until my next post: Power to the ____________ and down with _____________ for a better _______________. Join me as I strike for this.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
But I'm tired!!!!!
When we are puzzled by delays and detours, let us think about the great purpose of life: to glorify God. The lessons He wants to teach us "in the wilderness" are priceless means of providing us with a song we could not otherwise have sung: "In Thy constant love Thou hast led the people!" (Ex 15:13).
The above is part of my devotions from today. I am puzzled by everything going on in my life right now. I'm tired and frustrated. While, ultimately, everything will work out for God's will, the here and now is a little intense and overwhelming. It seems that there are changes on the horizon but the waiting is hard.
Tom might be getting another job. We really really hope this job is part of God's will. It would be such a great opportunity: better hours, more money, different environment, etc.
For me? That's the hard part. I just don't know what God is leading me to do. It seems that I keep being told "wait". It seems that there is change coming, I just don't know what that change shall be. When I look at the things I enjoy I don't know how they could fit together.
I like/love:
my husband
my family
my friends
my dog (Maggie!)
working backstage
learning (should I get a PhD? if I should, from where?)
FSU Theatre (I'm going to miss being there this summer)
Christian High School/Christian Unified Schools (of El Cajon)
jewelry (I would love to learn how to make jewelry)
clothing (I would love to learn how to sew/sew better)
not having to get up for work at 5:15 am!
riding my bike
costume crafts
So how do these things come together to create a career? What is it God wants me to do???
PS...something I just heard "Coincidence is just God in a fake mustache and sunglasses." Hmmmmmmm, I never thought of it like that.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
just for me...
Yet again, God has used my morning devotions to speak to me. Even though I am discouraged and totally exhausted, I will push forward. God will sustain. This period is only temporary and He will prevail. (but, Lord, I really am so very tired...)
Training Through Chastening
Hebrews 12:1-11
If you are now going through testing, there are three things you should especially remember.
First, God's way is the wisest way. Training is always accompanied by some type of hardship.
Even athletes realize they cannot properly train without giving up some of the pleasures of life and enduring the hardship of training. God trains us through chastening.
Second, God's time is the best time. God was working out His purpose through Joseph. It was impossible for Joseph to realize it at the time, but later he could look back and see that God's time had been exactly right--everything had worked out.
But imagine the lonely years of waiting. God does not act too early nor too late. He is never in a hurry but accomplishes things in His own time.
Too many of us either lag behind or run ahead of God's time. But we need to remember that the clock of divine providence keeps strict time. Because of our circumstances it may appear to be slow at times and fast at others, but the all-wise God knows precisely when to act.
Third, God's grace is sufficient. He will give us the grace we need to be patient.
James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." The word "perfect" means "mature" or "complete." God is seeking to teach us valuable lessons so we will be mature believers.
"Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty" (Job 5:17).
Training Through Chastening
Hebrews 12:1-11
If you are now going through testing, there are three things you should especially remember.
First, God's way is the wisest way. Training is always accompanied by some type of hardship.
Even athletes realize they cannot properly train without giving up some of the pleasures of life and enduring the hardship of training. God trains us through chastening.
Second, God's time is the best time. God was working out His purpose through Joseph. It was impossible for Joseph to realize it at the time, but later he could look back and see that God's time had been exactly right--everything had worked out.
But imagine the lonely years of waiting. God does not act too early nor too late. He is never in a hurry but accomplishes things in His own time.
Too many of us either lag behind or run ahead of God's time. But we need to remember that the clock of divine providence keeps strict time. Because of our circumstances it may appear to be slow at times and fast at others, but the all-wise God knows precisely when to act.
Third, God's grace is sufficient. He will give us the grace we need to be patient.
James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." The word "perfect" means "mature" or "complete." God is seeking to teach us valuable lessons so we will be mature believers.
"Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty" (Job 5:17).
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
My students strike again
So, a couple of my students went to Disney Hollywood Studios on Monday. One of them tells these 2 dandy's she knows how to play the ukulele and the rest is history. I think my favorite part is they guy in the background, it looks like he's having his photo taken. I wonder what stories he'll tell people when he goes home!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
For today...
God's ways are mysterious; they are beyond man's comprehension. As God sovereignly works, man is often unable to understand why he is being led down a certain path.
"Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?" (Prov. 20:24).
"Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?" (Prov. 20:24).
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Little Girls
This is from our Showcase. Ashley performed this song at Districts and was awarded a Superior for Solo musical (she got a Superior in Monologues and was a part of the one act which also got a Superior). I wish she would realize how talented she is. This isn't the greatest video of the performance; however, I don't feel like loading my video of the performance right now. She will accomplish great things if she doesn't get in her own way!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A man going after his dream
This is an interesting article about a guy going after what he truly wants...his triple scoop of ice cream. I wish JoCo all of the best. He is doing what so many (including me) wish they could do...leave their job and pursue their dream.
Advice for today... (as well as a goal and a reminder)
Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.
-C.S. Lewis
-C.S. Lewis
Sunday, February 17, 2008
More from the 'net
Here is a wonderful NPR interview with the one, the only, COOKIE MONSTER!!!!!!! It really is a great interview and reminds me so much of growing up with Sesame Street.
Also, in an answer to my posting yesterday on the design on a dime, my brother sent me this link. (sorry, embedding wasn't acting nice!) It's quite fascinating! 3 graphic artists recreate Omaha Beach on a shoe string. Thanks, John! (PS: Traveling mercies. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing you and Angela!)
Also, in an answer to my posting yesterday on the design on a dime, my brother sent me this link. (sorry, embedding wasn't acting nice!) It's quite fascinating! 3 graphic artists recreate Omaha Beach on a shoe string. Thanks, John! (PS: Traveling mercies. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing you and Angela!)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Interesting tech information...
This is an interesting article on several young filmmakers who are "designing on a dime". Kudos for them!
This is sad but true...
-> Principals and administrators may life off headlines, but teachers live off whether their students learn. (This is so true. It is for this very reason that there are more and more problems in the schools today.)
-> Teaching is a craft, and many great teachers instruct in totally different ways. Too many school systems are becoming device-driven--they're buying computer devices because they're there.
Here is a link of a full article on the ills of technology in the classroom at one school.
-> Teaching is a craft, and many great teachers instruct in totally different ways. Too many school systems are becoming device-driven--they're buying computer devices because they're there.
Here is a link of a full article on the ills of technology in the classroom at one school.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Special note
To Kaycee...
I'm so proud of you. Know I'm always here for you and stand behind your choice 100%.
The next 19 weeks will be difficult; however, you can do it! Don't let the nay sayers discourage you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs to you...
I'm so proud of you. Know I'm always here for you and stand behind your choice 100%.
The next 19 weeks will be difficult; however, you can do it! Don't let the nay sayers discourage you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs to you...
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A timely word well spoken
Yes, once again, God has used Elizabeth Eliot to cut right though some things. I think in every life there are those times when misunderstandings occur. There are those in my life with whom I was close but now, for whatever the reason, things are discordant. In some cases God has restored that relationship, in others this is not true. i shall continue to commit to pray for those people and leave them at the feet of the Almighty. If He chooses to restore the relationship, so be it.
Thank you, Lord, for continuing to teach me. Thank you, also, for never giving up.
Leave "Him" to Me
When there is deep misunderstanding which has led to the erection of barriers between two who once were close, every day brings the strengthening of those barriers if they are not, by God's grace, breached. One prays and finds no way at all to break through. Love seems to "backfire" every time. Explanations become impossible. New accusations arise, it seems, from nowhere (though it is well to recall who is named the Accuser of the brethren). The situation becomes ever more complex and insoluble, and the mind goes round and round, seeking the place where things went wrong, brooding over the words which were like daggers, regretting the failures and mistakes, wondering (most painfully) how it could have been different. Much spiritual and emotional energy is drained in this way--but the Lord wants to teach us to commit, trust, and rest.
"Leave him to me this afternoon," is what his word is. "There is nothing else that I am asking of you this afternoon but that: leave him to Me. You cannot fathom all that is taking place. You don't need to. I am at work--in you, in him. Leave him to Me. Some day it will come clear--trust Me."
"Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, and he will lift you up in due time. Cast all your cares on Him, for you [and the other] are his charge" (l Pt 5:7).
Thank you, Lord, for continuing to teach me. Thank you, also, for never giving up.
Leave "Him" to Me
When there is deep misunderstanding which has led to the erection of barriers between two who once were close, every day brings the strengthening of those barriers if they are not, by God's grace, breached. One prays and finds no way at all to break through. Love seems to "backfire" every time. Explanations become impossible. New accusations arise, it seems, from nowhere (though it is well to recall who is named the Accuser of the brethren). The situation becomes ever more complex and insoluble, and the mind goes round and round, seeking the place where things went wrong, brooding over the words which were like daggers, regretting the failures and mistakes, wondering (most painfully) how it could have been different. Much spiritual and emotional energy is drained in this way--but the Lord wants to teach us to commit, trust, and rest.
"Leave him to me this afternoon," is what his word is. "There is nothing else that I am asking of you this afternoon but that: leave him to Me. You cannot fathom all that is taking place. You don't need to. I am at work--in you, in him. Leave him to Me. Some day it will come clear--trust Me."
"Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, and he will lift you up in due time. Cast all your cares on Him, for you [and the other] are his charge" (l Pt 5:7).
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
for today (from my devotion)
Life is full of things we can't do anything about, but which we are supposed to do something with. "He himself endured a cross and thought nothing of its shame because of the joy." A very different story from the one which would have been written if Jesus had been prompted by the spirit of our own age: "Don't just endure the cross--think about it, talk about it, share it, express your gut-level feelings, get in touch with yourself, find out who you are, define the problem, analyze it, get counseling, get the experts' opinions, discuss solutions, work through it." Jesus endured. He thought nothing of the shame. The freedom, the freshness of that valiant selflessness is like a strong wind. How badly such a wind is needed to sweep away the pollution of our self-preoccupation!
Analysis can make you feel guilty for being human. To be human, of course, means to be sinful, and for our sinfulness we must certainly "feel" the guilt which is rightly ours--but not everything human is sinful. There is a man on the radio every afternoon from California whose consummate arrogance in making an instant analysis of every caller's difficulties is simply breathtaking. A woman called in to talk about her problems with her husband who happens to be an actor. "Oh," said the counselor, "of course the only reason anybody goes into acting is because they need approval." Bang. Husband's problem identified. Next question. I turned off the radio and asked myself, with rising guilt feelings, "Do I need approval?" Answer: yes. Does anybody not need approval? Is there anybody who is content to live his life without so much as a nod from anybody else? Wouldn't he be, of all men, the most devilishly self-centered? Wouldn't his supreme solitude be the most hellish? It's human to want to know that you please somebody.
Sometimes readers of things that I write tell me long afterward that they have thought of writing me a letter, or have written one and discarded it, thinking, "She doesn't need my approval." Well, they're mistaken--for wouldn't it be a lovely thing to know that a footprint you have left on the trail has, just by being there, heartened somebody else?
Analysis can make you feel guilty for being human. To be human, of course, means to be sinful, and for our sinfulness we must certainly "feel" the guilt which is rightly ours--but not everything human is sinful. There is a man on the radio every afternoon from California whose consummate arrogance in making an instant analysis of every caller's difficulties is simply breathtaking. A woman called in to talk about her problems with her husband who happens to be an actor. "Oh," said the counselor, "of course the only reason anybody goes into acting is because they need approval." Bang. Husband's problem identified. Next question. I turned off the radio and asked myself, with rising guilt feelings, "Do I need approval?" Answer: yes. Does anybody not need approval? Is there anybody who is content to live his life without so much as a nod from anybody else? Wouldn't he be, of all men, the most devilishly self-centered? Wouldn't his supreme solitude be the most hellish? It's human to want to know that you please somebody.
Sometimes readers of things that I write tell me long afterward that they have thought of writing me a letter, or have written one and discarded it, thinking, "She doesn't need my approval." Well, they're mistaken--for wouldn't it be a lovely thing to know that a footprint you have left on the trail has, just by being there, heartened somebody else?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Reminder
God wants to work the impossible through me if I will allow Him to do so.
Christ said, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7). God wants to perform the impossible by using believers as His human instruments.
God asked Abraham and Sarah, "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" (Gen. 18:14). I, too, must respond to this question. As I face seeming impossibilities, do I think God is unable to perform what He has promised?
"For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37).
Christ said, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7). God wants to perform the impossible by using believers as His human instruments.
God asked Abraham and Sarah, "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" (Gen. 18:14). I, too, must respond to this question. As I face seeming impossibilities, do I think God is unable to perform what He has promised?
"For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37).
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A thought for today
One of God's arrangements is that after winter there should come beautiful spring days. It happens every year and it happens in every life.
-Father Joseph
I know I must be in a "winter" of my life and of my walk. It is comforting to know this time will pass and there are brighter things on the horizon. God is in control. While I know this, this is still a time of coldness...hardship...difficulty. Please, Lord, HELP!
-Father Joseph
I know I must be in a "winter" of my life and of my walk. It is comforting to know this time will pass and there are brighter things on the horizon. God is in control. While I know this, this is still a time of coldness...hardship...difficulty. Please, Lord, HELP!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
musical morning
This morning Tommy was flipping through the the channels shortly after I got up and he discovered the video for 'One Night in Bangkok" from the musical Chess. I love that show and that song! Right after that video ended Howard Jones "What Is Love" video came on. One of my favorite artists and one of my favorite songs!!! Tommy also made me cinnamon rolls for breakfast. (he's really amazing)
It was quite a way to start the day!!!
It was quite a way to start the day!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
An answer?
So, shortly after I posted last night I went to bed and slept soundly but not enough. This morning I am tired and fatigued. I opened my email, though, to discover this devotional from 'Back to the Bible.' Is this an answer from God about what to do about work for the next 2 years??? I will be praying about this and seeking His will. (humanly, I don't know how I can do 2 more years of this. The English situation is pushing me to my limit!)
PLEASE, Lord...HELP!!!!!
Testing Follows Triumph
Genesis 16:1-6
Ten years had passed since God had first promised Abraham descendants, and now three years had gone by since God had reassured Abraham of this same thing.
Whereas in Genesis 15 Abraham is seen as a man of faith, in chapter 16 we see him as a man of unbelief. He could wait no longer for God to fulfill His promise.
A lack of patience tends to foster unbelief. In chapter 15 Abraham believed the Lord; in chapter 16 he hearkened unto the voice of his wife. In chapter 15 Abraham walked after the Spirit; in chapter 16 he walked after the energy of the flesh.
What a sad inconsistency in the life of this man of God. Only Jesus Christ could say, "I do always those things that please him" (John 8:29).
Abraham was tested by the suggestion of a well-meaning wife. Would he take matters out of the hand of God and act in the energy of the flesh?
This test was the trying of the patience of his faith. Would he wait on God to fulfill His word in His own time and way, or would Abraham's patience give out and the flesh take over? God wanted him to have a mature faith.
What would you have done in his situation?
"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise" (Heb. 10:35,36).
PLEASE, Lord...HELP!!!!!
Testing Follows Triumph
Genesis 16:1-6
Ten years had passed since God had first promised Abraham descendants, and now three years had gone by since God had reassured Abraham of this same thing.
Whereas in Genesis 15 Abraham is seen as a man of faith, in chapter 16 we see him as a man of unbelief. He could wait no longer for God to fulfill His promise.
A lack of patience tends to foster unbelief. In chapter 15 Abraham believed the Lord; in chapter 16 he hearkened unto the voice of his wife. In chapter 15 Abraham walked after the Spirit; in chapter 16 he walked after the energy of the flesh.
What a sad inconsistency in the life of this man of God. Only Jesus Christ could say, "I do always those things that please him" (John 8:29).
Abraham was tested by the suggestion of a well-meaning wife. Would he take matters out of the hand of God and act in the energy of the flesh?
This test was the trying of the patience of his faith. Would he wait on God to fulfill His word in His own time and way, or would Abraham's patience give out and the flesh take over? God wanted him to have a mature faith.
What would you have done in his situation?
"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise" (Heb. 10:35,36).
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
holding on by the finger tips
"Life unwinds like a cheap sweater. Since I gave up hope I feel a lot better" ~Steve Taylor
These day's I wish I could just give up. This job is making me increasingly unhappy. Tommy isn't happy, either. His job isn't good and another door just closed.
Lord...could we PLEASE have new jobs??? (or winning lottery numbers) I just don't know if I can do 2 more years like this. I can't keep teaching English. It is draining every ounce of life and energy out of me.
I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These day's I wish I could just give up. This job is making me increasingly unhappy. Tommy isn't happy, either. His job isn't good and another door just closed.
Lord...could we PLEASE have new jobs??? (or winning lottery numbers) I just don't know if I can do 2 more years like this. I can't keep teaching English. It is draining every ounce of life and energy out of me.
I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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