Sunday, April 20, 2008

On Strike???

I have borrowed most of this from The Conventicle (I hope you guys don't mind!); however, it seemed like it would work for me as well. If you have any thoughts, feel free to respond.

Rather than saying my blog is on hiatus, I think it would be more awesome, sweet, stupendous, good, noble to say that I am on strike. A strike over what, you ask? Not sure. But here are some ideas I have been considering:

1) Teachers get paid the salary they deserve

2) Drama in the schools is recognized as a valid subject and not just a fluff course.

3) When all anonymous commenters in all of blogdom write their real name, drop their moral outrage over book reviews and stuff, and say sorry for hijacking posts (I'm looking at you, 'anonymous'), I shall post again.

4) Until someone can give a satisfactory explanation for the dismissal of ___(insert appropriate name)___ from ___(insert appropriate reality TV show)_____, I shall post no more forever.

5) When Peter Jackson agrees to direct The Hobbit, I shall come down off the mountain with yet another post about obscure things to be read only by people who already know them.

6) Equal cuts are made to sports (Football in particular) that are suggested for other school programs and entire school schedules are not adjusted for athletics. Please stop telling us all things are equal when it is painfully obvious that the opposite is true. Maybe this could be expanded to include state spending for education??? Cuts to education only hurt the students.

7) School administrators do not look at a certificate or resume, see a degree or certified area and automatically assume it means a person is able to teach a subject.

8) Standardized state mandated testing of students...'nuff said.

9) When Tetris: The Musical earns a Tony for "Best New Musical" I shall post again.

10) When my students happily do all of their homework every night and come to class anxious to participate in every activity.

Right, well I'm just brainstorming here.

Until my next post: Power to the ____________ and down with _____________ for a better _______________. Join me as I strike for this.

1 comment:

John W. Tweeddale said...

Glad we could be of service!

Love you sis,