I have been a fan of Rick Springfield since the 7th grade (no comment on how long ago that was). One of my best friends, Dwayne, got tickets for him and his wife to go see Rick Springfield in Atlanta this past weekend after we had finished classes in Tallahassee. On Friday Jenny and her sister went to Atlanta where they got to go to the sound check for the concert and meet Rick Springfield! On Saturday, Dwayne and his brother-in-law (Kevin) drove to meet their girls and go to the concert. They had backstage passes and everything! I just got the attached picture from Dwayne, Jenny sure looks happy!!! Dwayne said the concert was great. It started raining so a number of people left and the remaining crowd just had a blast. Rick moved out in the audience and got everyone involved.
ALSO...my brother and his wife are living in Edinburgh, Scotland right now. Every August they have a huge arts festival (the Shakespeare festival is just a small part of all of the festivities). So, I recently found out that Howard Jones (one of my all time favorite singers) is going to be a part of the festival in Edinburgh this year. My brother will be in the same city as Howard Jones!!
I, on the other hand, am stuck in this dinky town in north-central Florida. The best part of the last 3 days is that my 2nd summer of grad school is done and I've been able to get some sleep (since I was greatly deprived of that over the last 5 weeks). The worst part is that teachers start tomorrow and I really am not looking forward to being at CRHS this year. For whatever the reason God wants me there for at least another year. I just pray the year goes quietly and without any event.
I am glad my friends/family at getting these experiences, though...plus, my time will come;-)